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    Sunday, February 19, 2012

    HCCL UNO - Tournament Schedule

    Hello Everyone!

    This is the finalized schedule for HCCL UNO.

    We have tried to setup the schedule trying to accommodate most of the indicated preferences. There is a little accommodation required from the side of all teams and we thank you for that in advance :).

    We are meeting senior Umpires this week to finalize our rules and will try to publish them by the end of the week.

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    1. Well laid out Bilal.. Thx for rolling this out early we can plan better..

    2. Agree with Shiva. D-day is fast approaching! Hope everybody is practicing hard..!

    3. Schedule is good. My suggestion is to have a reserve day between Round1 and knockouts. If any unexpected reasons(due to rain,due to team reasons or any etc..) then match will be postpone to reserve day.

    4. The reserve day is a good suggestion but no possible to implement it without affecting the cost, thanks for the suggestion though.

      I have added a page with the schedules at the top for easier access.


    Item Reviewed: HCCL UNO - Tournament Schedule Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Bilal Azam
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